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How to Build More Resilient Talent Pipelines for a Post-Pandemic Era

Written by Caitlin | Jan 20, 2022 4:00:00 PM

Employers are facing talent shortages as they’ve never seen after the pandemic. Many workers aren’t ready to return to the job and, if they are, they may not have the skills and experience you need. Thankfully, there is plenty you can do to build a more resilient talent pipeline in the new market. Here are some tips to help.

1. ‘Just in Case’ Recruiting

One thing many companies discovered during the pandemic is that they weren’t ready for an emergency, not from a staffing standpoint anyway. Most businesses didn’t have remote work policies yet. Honestly, there were very few policies put in place that would help employers address the problems posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, they can build a more resilient talent pipeline by doing something called “just in case” recruiting. This means they have a set of workers on standby or talent they can tap into at a moment’s notice.

2. Diversify Where You Source Talent

You’ll also be able to build a better, more resilient talent pipeline by diversifying where you receive candidates’ information. Job boards are a great way to get in touch with candidates in your industry. You can also create more traditional job listings. However, there are other ways to source quality candidates.

Social media has become a fantastic tool for sourcing new talent. Your recruiters can make connections with candidates in the industry or find individuals with the skills necessary using social networking. Social media can also give you a better idea of whether or not the candidate will be a good fit for your organization as a whole. You may also search for candidates in industry groups or at industry events.

3. Upskilling and Reskilling

Sometimes the talent you are looking for is right under your nose. Your current team has already received training and knows your expectations. If you can further train, upskill or reskill, an employee, it can save you a lot of time and money recruiting a new hire. Not to mention investing in upskilling and reskilling your employees show them you care about the future of their career, which will increase loyalty and improve retention rates. During a time where there are huge talent shortages, addressing your needs internally can be a life-saver.

In fact, it may even be a good idea to incentivize career development to encourage your team to expand their skills and knowledge. Offer perks to your team when they complete additional training or attend a seminar. Again, it can help improve employee satisfaction while simultaneously growing your own talent pool.

4. Potential Over Credentials

Another important point to make when discussing how to create a resilient talent pipeline is emphasizing potential over credentials. Take a moment to assess the person’s characteristics, work ethic, and how they might be able to grow with the company. Rather than placing more importance on extensive work history, find someone with potential for growth.

Partner With a Staffing Agency

Working with a staffing agency like Timpl can help you address the talent shortage in your organization. Our professional recruiters can help you every step of the way, from recruiting to interviewing and onboarding. Contact us to learn more about the services our firm offers.