Around 1/5 of the workforce now operates as contract workers, yet many businesses ignore them in favor of direct hires. It’s a curious choice. Ignoring these workers cuts your business off from the many potential benefits of a temp-to-hire strategy for filling out your permanent staff. Let’s look at just a few of the advantages that a temp-to-hire strategy can offer your business.
1. Culture Fit
Identifying cultural fit during an interview is difficult. But A bad hire disrupts the team and could be toxic. A temp to hire approach allows both parties ensure the perfect fit before a full-time arrangement is made. After 90 days, make the final decision.
Takeaway: It’s much easier to offer someone who fits in well a full-time position than it is to fire a bad fit.
2. Productivity
Avoid traditional hiring methods. "We've always hired this way" is not a sound reason to continue. For example, posting jobs on Indeed will bring in resumes. You might be overwhelmed. Resume quantity is no guarantee of quality. Can you safely choose the most productive worker after an hour interview? Much like culture fit, you really don't know if someone is a high performer A 90 day temp-to-hire strategy allows the employer to witness performance in advance of offering a permanent position.
Takeaway: Temp-to-hire approaches lets you bypass the problems of quantity over quality.
3. Save Money
If the new hire fails, you have lost more than time and momentum. Factor in taxes, benefits, and opportunity costs, a bad hire is expensive - in some cases, 2-3X the annual salary. Hiring permanent employees after a successful 90-day temp to hire probation can reduce this risks.
Start a successful temp-to-hire program today with Timpl
Timpl specializes in creating temp-to-hire strategies to eliminate most of the hiring risks.
Schedule a free consultation today.