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Find Reliable Technicians in Your Area Using These 4 Tips

Written by Caitlin | Sep 8, 2021 3:30:00 PM

Finding a good candidate for an open technician position can be a challenge. They need to have specific skills and they should be verified. More importantly, you need to know exactly what you are looking for. Here are four sure-fire ways you can find top technicians in your area.

1. Utilize Recruitment Websites

Most people are finding jobs online these days. So, it is important for you to identify recruitment websites that are geared towards the professionals you are looking for. You can use the site to advertise open positions, provide in-depth job descriptions, and receive applications.

Be sure that your job description is detailed and fully lists the experience and required skills necessary for the job. You should also include some information about the company culture and what it is like to work with your organization. Then, once you begin to receive resumes, you can compare them to your job listing to see how well their skills align with what you need.

2. Require Background Checks

You need to be sure that you are thoroughly vetting the technicians you hire. To do this, you should require background checks as well as drug screening to be done during the hiring process. You don’t necessarily have to pay for this yourself. You can find techs that have current screening tests. Just be sure the tests and background checks are less than two years old.

Outside of background checks and drug screening, you should also be sure to do some additional research on the candidate. Reach out to previous employers and references to get a feel for how the candidate might fit into your organization. This gives you a chance to ask about soft skills, such as problem-solving and communication.

3. Check Social Media

Social media is becoming more and more important during the recruiting process. Many people post about their work and business on social media nowadays. So, taking the time to look the person up online may provide you with details that their resume and cover letter did not. Look for posts showcasing their skills or sharing customer testimonials. This can give you a feel for their overall work ethic beyond what they have shared in their hiring materials.

The best social media platforms to check for this information are LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. While you are searching their profile, be sure to also keep an eye out for any red flags. Note if they have jumped from job to job fairly often or have any offensive posts. Gauge whether or not these things will impact the way they do their job or fit in the company culture.

4. Talent Sourcing

Working with a staffing agency can help you find the candidates you are looking for. Building your own talent pool can be time-consuming, especially when you are looking for candidates with specific skills. Using a third-party agency can help you find the applicants you are looking for in a more efficient manner. Not to mention, they can provide you with information about offering competitive wages and help you come up with a plan to get the positions filled in a timely manner.

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