Best interview questions to leave a lasting impression

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Alright, you’re gearing up for your next big interview, and you know it’s not just about answering questions. It’s also about asking the right ones. Let’s get into the essentials of what you should ask to ensure this job is the right fit and to leave a lasting impression.

About the Author

Tony Moore

Tony Moore

Before stepping into his role as the head of Marketing at Timpl, Tony spent over 20 years as a headhunter and corporate talent acquisition expert. His career focused on finding and developing top talent across different industries, offering valuable insights into negotiation strategies and market trends that empower professionals to advance their careers effectively.

Ready to make a lasting impression? Let’s dive in!


We will focus on the end of interview with these three broad topics: Industry, Company, and Job.

Research the company and the industry. Your ability to connect the dots between what is happening in the world to the company you are interested in, and asking inquisitive questions demonstrates intelligence and an active mind. These are just sample questions. The more
personalized the questions based on research and what you learn during the interview, the better.

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Topic 1: The Job & Team

  1. What are your expectations for me?
    You need to know what success looks like from the hiring manager’s perspective. It’s all about understanding what they’re aiming for and how you can deliver.
  2. What would you like to see me accomplish in the first 90 days?
    This helps you map out your initial goals and ensures you’re aligned with what the manager expects right from the start.
  3. What metrics or goals will you evaluate my performance on?
    Knowing how you’ll be measured is crucial for aligning your efforts with the company’s objectives and staying on track.
  4. When would you expect me to be trained and self-sufficient?
    Understanding the training timeline helps you gauge when you’ll be expected to fully take on your responsibilities.
  5. Tell me about the team I’ll be working with. Can you share some of their strengths and weaknesses?
    Knowing the team’s dynamics helps you figure out where you’ll fit in and how you can make the most impact.
  6. Are there any skills the team is lacking that you hope to add with this position?
    This reveal gaps you’ll be expected to fill, setting you up to make a significant contribution right away.
  7. What challenges will I face in this role?
    Every role has its hurdles. Knowing them in advance helps you prepare and strategize for overcoming them.
  8. About my direct reports, can you share some of their strengths and weaknesses?
    If you’re managing a team, understanding their strengths and areas for improvement helps you lead effectively.

top 5 questions to know if the role is the right fit in a job interview

Topic 2: The Industry

  1. What trends in the industry are you most excited about?
    This shows you’re keeping up with industry developments and helps you understand what’s shaping the future of the field.
  2. Does anything concern you (like AI)?
    This gets you insights into potential disruptions or risks that could impact the company’s direction
  3. Why did you choose this industry / why did you stay?
    This gives you a peek into what drives the people in the industry and what keeps them motivated.

Topic 3: The Company & Culture

  1. What major projects or goals is the company focused on?
     Knowing the company’s key projects or goals helps you understand where you can contribute and align your efforts.
  2. How will this team support it?
    Understand how your team fits into the company’s broader goals and how you can play a role in achieving them.
  3. What are the growth plans?
    Get a sense of where the company is headed—whether it’s poised for growth or maintaining stability.
  4. What would derail those plans?
    Identify potential risks or obstacles that could affect the company’s trajectory and your role within it.
  5. What are you most excited about for the future?
    Tap into the company’s enthusiasm and future vision, aligning your goals with theirs.
  6. What personal traits are most valued here?
    Understanding the traits that are appreciated helps you see if you’ll fit into the company culture and thrive.
  7. Tell me about the new employee training / onboarding process.
    Know how the company supports new hires and helps them integrate smoothly.
  8. How has the company changed in the last 2-3 years?
    This gives you insight into the company’s evolution and how it has adapted to change.
  9. What do you and the team usually do for lunch?
    This provides a glimpse into the team’s social interactions and culture, helping you understand how you’ll fit in.
  10. Do departments collaborate on projects or have joint events?
    Find out how different teams work together, which can impact your experience at the company.
  11. What learning and development opportunities exist after I join?
    Discover how the company supports your career growth and ongoing learning.
  12. What is a common career path from this department?
    Understand potential career trajectories and if the role aligns with your long-term goals.
  13. How are promotions usually handled?
    Knowing the promotion process helps you understand how to advance within the company.

Top 5 questions to leave a lasting impression

As you wrap up the interview, you want to leave no stone unturned. These final questions will help you clarify any last-minute doubts and ensure you’re fully informed about the next steps.

Nail the Closing Remarks

  1. Is there something I should have asked about?
    This shows you’re thorough and ensures you cover all important aspects of the role and company.
  2. Can I clarify anything for you?
    Offering to clarify any concerns helps address any doubts the interviewer might have about your fit for the role.
  3. What is the next step in your process?
    Knowing what to expect next helps you understand the timeline and stay informed about follow-ups.

Finally, some topics are better left for later stages. Save these questions for when you know the company is seriously considering you.

Salary and Benefits: These details can wait until you’ve both determined that you’re a good fit for the role.

If asked about salary expectations, say, “I’m open to discussing salary once we’ve both determined that I’m a good fit for the role.” This keeps the focus on mutual fit.

With these questions in your arsenal, you’ll not only gather essential information but also show that you’re proactive, engaged, and serious about making the right choice. Nail your follow-up, and you’ll leave a lasting impression that could make all the difference. Good luck out there!