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3 out of 4 employers are not ready for an OSHA Audit. Here are 5 actions you can take now.

Written by Ralph Hiddenburg, CSCP | Jan 21, 2024 3:33:00 AM

A surprise OSHA audit could shut down your business.

Not only can it disrupt operations, but it can also result in hefty fines and tarnished reputation if violations are found. However, with proper preparation and proactive measures, you can mitigate the risks and ensure compliance with safety regulations. In this guide, we'll outline 5 key actions you can take to prepare your business for unexpected OSHA audits.

1. Designate an OSHA Point of Contact

  • Appoint a knowledgeable and responsible employee as the point of contact for OSHA during the visit. This person is usually someone from your HR or Safety Team, who should be well-versed in your safety programs.

2. Maintain a clean and organized facility

  • Maintain a clean and organized workplace at all times. Clutter and disorganization is a red flag raising safety concerns. 
  • Display safety regulation posters prominently, ensuring they are easily visible in places where employees gather or pass by.

3.  Store Safety records and Documentation

  • Have all safety documentation and records readily available. This includes safety plans, training records, incident reports, and safety data sheets (SDS). Most importantly, keep up-to-date OSHA 300 logs in a prominent visible location

4.  Inspect Safety Equipment & PPE

  • Ensure that all required safety equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) are availble and in good working condition and easily accessible.
  • Require quests visiting your facility to wear appropriate safety clothing and PPE.

5. Cooperation and Professionalism

  • Be cooperative and professional during the inspection. Answer questions as honestly as possible and provide requested information promptly.
  • If you don't know the answer to a question, or do not feel comfortable answering at that moment, it's okay to say you'll find out and follow up with the agent.

Still Not Sure If You're Ready? 

Schedule a free consultation with a Timpl OSHA expert today.

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